Create an unbound list box, drop-down list box, or combo box that displays values from a table or query query

Create an unbound list box, drop-down list box, or combo box that displays values from a table or query

  1. Open a form in Design view or a data access page in Design view.

  2. Make sure that the Control Wizards tool is pressed in the toolbox.

    Note   Wizards are not available in a stand-alone data access page or when you point a data access page to a database other than the one currently open. In both cases, you will have to create the list box or drop-down list box on your own.

  3. Click the List Box tool List Box control, the Dropdown List tool , or the Combo Box tool in the toolbox.

  4. On the form or data access page, click where you want to place the list box, drop-down list box, or combo box.

  5. Follow the instructions in the wizard dialog boxes. When the wizard asks how you want to get the values for the list, select the option that says you want to look up values in a table or query. When the wizard asks whether you want to store the value or remember it for later use, select the option that says you'll remember it for later use.


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