Create an expression without using the Expression Builder

Create an expression without using the Expression Builder

You create an expression by combining identifiers, operators, and values to produce the result you want. For example, the following expression increases the value displayed in the Freight control on the Orders form by 10 percent:

= [Forms]![Orders]![Freight] * 1.1

In this expression:

Depending on the result you want, you can combine identifiers, operators, and values in a variety of ways. You use expressions to combine strings of text, add or multiply numeric values, call functions, refer to objects and their values, and perform many other operations.

Some expressions produce a true or false result. For example, if you enter an expression in the Condition column of a macro, Microsoft Access carries out the specified action only when the expression evaluates to true. The following expression is true only if UK is the value displayed in the Country control on the Employees form:

Forms![Employees]![Country] = "UK"

For more information on using identifiers in expressions, click .

For more information on operators, click .

For more information on using values in expressions, click .