Set the number of decimal places to display for a field in table Design view

Set the number of decimal places to display for a field in table Design view

  1. Open a table in Design view.

  2. In the upper portion of the window, click the field you want to define decimal places for.

  3. In the lower portion of the window on the General tab, click the arrow next to the DecimalPlaces property box, and then click the desired number of decimal places.

    The DecimalPlaces property provides a default setting, Auto, and the option to specify from 0 to 15 decimal places. When set to Auto, fields with Format property settings of Currency, Fixed, Standard, Percent and Scientific display two decimal places. The DecimalPlaces property has no effect if the Format property hasn't been set. For information on setting a field's data display format, click .

Note   The DecimalPlaces property setting affects only the number of decimal places that display, not how many decimal places are stored. For example, if you set the DecimalPlaces property to 2 for a Number field with the FieldSize property set to Integer, it will display with two decimal places, but because only whole number (integer) values will be stored, zeros will fill the two decimal places. To change the number of decimal places that will be stored, you must change a Number field's FieldSize property. For information on setting a field's FieldSize property, click