Open a table, query, form, view, or stored procedure in Datasheet view.
Select the columns you want to move.
To select one column, click the field selector for that column.
To select adjacent columns, click a column field selector and then, without releasing the mouse button, drag to extend the selection.
Click and hold down the mouse button in the field selector(s) again.
Drag the columns to a new position.
If the columns don't move, they may be frozen. Learn about frozen columns.
You can't save datasheet formatting changes to a datasheet in a Microsoft Access project unless it is a form. If you need to save formatting changes to an Access project table, view, or stored procedure datasheet, use the AutoForm Wizard to create the datasheet as a form (which quickly sets the RecordSource property to the datasheet and adds all the fields to the form), and then set the form's DefaultView and ViewsAllowed properties to Datasheet (which makes the form behave like a datasheet).