Split a table into related tables using the Table Analyzer Wizard

Split a table into related tables using the Table Analyzer Wizard

If your Microsoft Access database has a table that contains duplicate information in one or more fields, you can use the Table Analyzer Wizard to split the data into related tables so that you can store data more efficiently. This process is called normalization.

  1. On the Tools menu, point to Analyze, and then click Table.

  2. Follow the instructions in the steps of the Table Analyzer Wizard.

You can either specify the tables that you want the wizard to create or have the wizard normalize your table for you. After you have defined the proposed new tables, the wizard helps you to reconcile data that the original table repeated inconsistently. In the last step, you can create a query to view all the information from the split tables in a single datasheet that is similar to your original table.

Note   In a Microsoft Access project, the tables reside in a Microsoft SQL Server database; therefore, the Table Analyzer Wizard is not available.