ColumnWidth Property

ColumnWidth Property

See Also         Example         Applies To

You can use the ColumnWidth property to specify the width of a column in Datasheet view.

Note   The ColumnWidth property applies to all fields in Datasheet view and to form controls when the form is in Datasheet view.


You can set this property by dragging the right border of the column selector or by clicking Column Width on the Format menu in Datasheet view and entering the desired value. When you set the ColumnWidth property by using the ColumnWidth command, the value is expressed in points.

In Visual Basic, the ColumnWidth property setting is an Integer value that represents the column width in twips. You can specify a width or use one of the following predefined settings.

Setting Description
0 Hides the column.
–1 (Default) Sizes the column to the default width.


Setting this property to 0, or resizing the field to a zero width in Datasheet view, sets the field's ColumnHidden property to True (–1) and hides the field in Datasheet view.

Setting a field's ColumnHidden property to False (0) restores the field's ColumnWidth property to the value it had before the field was hidden. For example, if the ColumnWidth property was –1 prior to the field being hidden by setting the property to 0, changing the field's ColumnHidden property to False resets the ColumnWidth to –1.

The ColumnWidth property for a field isn't available when the field's ColumnHidden property is set to True.