About Web page client/server products and platforms

About Web page client/server products and platforms

The following table summarizes supported products, platforms, and Web page output format files.

Web page
output file format


Supported client browser

Supported server
product and platform

data access pages (*.htm, *.html) Dynamic HTML 4.0 or later Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or later All Web server products and platforms

Note   IIS 4.0 on Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 is required to prevent cross-domain access. Learn about securing a data access page.

Server-generated HTML, ASP (*.asp)   All Web browsers
  • IIS 3.0 with Active Server Pages on Windows NT Server 4.0

  • IIS 4.0 on Windows NT Server 4.0

  • Personal Web Server with Active Server Pages on Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0

  • Personal Web Server with Active Server Pages on Microsoft Windows 95
Server-generated HTML, IDC/HTX (*.idc, *.htx)   All Web browsers
  • Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) 1.x with Internet Database Connector add-in on Windows NT Server 3.51

  • IIS 2.0 on Windows NT Server 3.51

  • IIS 3.0 with Active Server Pages on Windows NT Server 4.0

  • IIS 4.0 on Windows NT Server 4.0

  • Personal Web Server on Windows NT Workstation 4.0

  • Personal Web Server on Windows 95
Static HTML (*.htm, *.html) HTML 3.2 or later All Web browsers All Web server products and platforms

Note   To use any Web page from a client computer, you need a Web browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, and a modem or network connection to the Internet or intranet server where the Web pages are located. For information about how to set up Internet access, see the Microsoft Office 2000 Resource Kit. For information about how to obtain the Resource Kit, click .