Troubleshoot converting an Access database

You can convert most previous-version Microsoft Access databases to Microsoft Access 2000 with no difficulty. In some rare cases, however, new features can conflict with existing objects and code.

Converting any previous-version database

An identifier causes an error.

My code can't compile.

Time or date values in my query criteria return different results.

Converting a Microsoft Access version 2.0 database

My converted Microsoft Access version 2.0 report has different margins.

A procedure causes an error.

I receive an out-of-memory error when converting a large database.

My 16-bit API calls do not convert.

My custom controls do not convert.

I receive an error that a table exceeds the limit of 32 indexes.

I receive an ODBC error when opening a form or report in a converted database.

Converting a Microsoft Access 2000 database to Microsoft Access 97

I receive a message that my computer is missing at least one of the Access 97 object libraries