Add a button to a toolbar

Add a button to a toolbar

  1. On the View menu, point to Toolbars, and then click Customize.

  2. Show the toolbar you want to add a button to.

  3. Click the Commands tab.

  4. In the Categories box, click a category for the command you want the button to perform.
    To add a Click
    Built-in button The appropriate menu or view category
    Buttons for navigating HTML pages Web
    Buttons for working with SourceSafe Source Code Control
    Button for creating custom controls ActiveX Controls
    Button that displays a form, report, or other database object in its default view One of the following: All Tables, All Queries, All Forms, All Reports, All Web Pages.

    If you're in a Microsoft Access project, you'll see All Database Diagrams, All Views, and All Stored Procedures.

    Button that runs a macro All Macros

  1. Drag the button, object, or ActiveX control you want from the Commands box to the displayed toolbar.


Tip   To quickly add a built-in button to a built-in toolbar, click More Buttons on a docked toolbar, or click the arrow Arrow pointing down in the upper-left corner of a floating toolbar; click Add or Remove Buttons, and then select the check box next to the button you want to add.