Change a saved search

Change a saved search

  1. On the File menu, click Open .

  2. Click Tools, and then click Find.

  3. Click Open Search.

  4. Click the name of the saved search you want to change, and then click Open.

  5. In the Find Files That Match These Criteria box, click the criteria you want to change, and then click Delete.

    Settings of the deleted search criteria appear in the Define More Criteria box. If you change your mind, you can click Add To List to restore the deleted search criteria.

    To clear all search criteria and start with default search values, click New Search.

  6. Under Define More Criteria, specify new search criteria.

  7. Click Add To List.

  8. Click Save Search.

  9. To replace the existing saved search, type the name of that search, click OK, and then click Yes.

    To assign a new name to the modified search criteria, type a new name, and then click OK.
