ApplyTheme Method

See Also         Example         Applies To

Applies the value contained in the ThemeName argument to the property named in the ThemeProperties argument. For example, a theme can be applied to WebFile, PageWindow, or Web objects in a Microsoft FrontPage-based web.


expression.ApplyTheme(ThemeName As String, ThemeProperties As FpThemeProperties)

expression   An expression that returns an FrontPage object.

ThemeName   Required String. A string that contains the name of the theme that you want to apply to a file. Can be one of the following ThemeName constants.

artsy boldstri indust sumipntg
blank capsules ricepapr  
blends citrus rmnsque  
blueprnt expeditn strtedge  

ThemeProperties   Required Long. The ThemeProperties argument takes the enumerated types shown in the following table.

Enumerated Type Default Value
FpThemeActiveGraphics &H10 or 16
FpThemeBackgroundImage 1
FpThemeCSS &H1000 or 4096
FpThemeDefaultSettings &H1000000 or 16777216
FpThemeName &H2000000 or 33554432
FpThemeNoBackgroundImage 0
FpThemeNoCSS 0
FpThemeNormalColors 0
FpThemeNormalGraphics 0
FpThemePropertiesAll &H1111 or 4369
FpThemePropertiesNone 0
FpThemeVividColors &H100 or 256


The following code applies the "Sumi Painting" theme to a file with active graphics.

Dim strTheme As String

strTheme = "sumipntg"
Call WebFile.ApplyTheme(strTheme, fpThemeUseActiveGraphics)

To change more than one Theme property when applying the theme, use the plus sign (+), as shown in the following example.

strTheme = "sumipntg"
WebFile.ApplyTheme(strTheme, _
fpThemeVividColors + fpThemeActiveGrphics)

This method is essentially the same one you'd use for applying a theme to a PageWindow or Web object.