Troubleshoot data access page options

Working with files and links

I don't want to keep my supporting data access page files in a folder.

I saved my data access page to a file server, and now some people can't find or view it.

I moved my data access page to another location and now some of the links are broken.

I can't automatically create a backup copy of my data access page.

The name of a supporting folder for a data access page is in another language.

Users can't open my interactive data access page.

I can't open my data access page.

Working with graphics

I see a red X, a blank image, or no image at all on my data access page.

The graphics and text on my data access page look different on another computer.

Specifying the language

My data access page is displaying the wrong characters for a language.

More information

How to publish data access pages and other Web pages in Access