Name Property

See Also         Example         Applies To

Returns or sets the name for the specified object, as described in the following table.

Object Description
AddIn, Dictionary, Document, FileConverter, RecentFile, Subdocument, Template, MailMergeDataSource Returns the object's file name. Read-only String.
Application Returns the name of the application (for example, "Microsoft Word"). Read-only String.
AutoCaption, CaptionLabel Returns the name of the caption. Read-only String.
AutoCorrectEntry, AutoTextEntry Returns or sets the name of the AutoCorrect or AutoText entry. Read/write String.
Bookmark Returns the name of the bookmark. Read-only String.
CustomLabel Returns or sets the name of the custom mailing label. Read/write String.
FirstLetterException, HangulAndAlphabetException, OtherCorrectionsException, TwoInitialCapsException Return the word that is excepted from AutoCorrect actions. Read-only String.
Font Returns or sets the name of the font. Read/write String.
FormField Returns or sets the name of the form field. Read/write String.
Language Returns the name of the proofing tools language. Read-only String.
ListEntry Returns or sets the name of the drop-down form field item. Read/write String.
ListTemplate Returns or sets an optional list template name that can be used in conjunction with the Name instruction for a LISTNUM field. Read/write String.
MailMergeDataField, MailMergeFieldName Returns the name of the mail merge field. Read-only String.
MailMergeDataSource Returns the full name of the data source document. Read-only String.
Shape, ShapeRange Returns or sets the shape name. Read/write String.
Hyperlink Returns the friendly name (as it appears in the History folder) of the hyperlink. Read-only String.
ReadabilityStatistic Returns the name of the readability statistic. Read-only String.
SpellingSuggestion Returns the spelling suggestion. Read-only String.
TableOfAuthoritiesCategory Returns or sets the name of the table of authorities category. Read/write String.
Task Returns the task name. Read-only String.
Variable Returns the document variable name. Read-only String.