

Returns a single member of a collection. Read-only.

Item is the default member for a collection. For example, the following two lines of code are equivalent.


For more information about returning a single member of a collection, see Returning an Object from a Collection.

For specific information about the Item method or property for a given collection, select the name of the collection in the following list.

AddIns Adjustments Areas
Axes Borders CalculatedFields
CalculatedItems ChartGroups ChartObjects
Charts Comments CubeFields
CustomViews DataLabels Dialogs
Filters FormatConditions GroupShapes
HPageBreaks Hyperlinks LegendEntries
Names ODBCErrors OLEDBErrors
OLEObjects Panes Parameters
Phonetics PivotCaches PivotFields
PivotFormulas PivotItems PivotTables
Points PublishObjects QueryTables
Range RecentFiles Scenarios
SeriesCollection ShapeNodes ShapeRange
Shapes Sheets Styles
Trendlines VPageBreaks Windows
Workbooks Worksheets