Upgrading Reference for Localized Versions of Office

Sharing FrontPage Files Across Language Versions

Microsoft FrontPage 2000 allows you to work with more languages and characters than you can with previous versions. It can display and store several new languages, such as Thai, that are supported by code pages, as well as all Unicode 2.0 characters. In addition, FrontPage 2000 recognizes more HTML 4.0 character entity references than do previous versions.

Character entity references make up a set of HTML characters that are represented by easy-to-remember mnemonic names. For example, the character entity reference å specifies lowercase a topped by a ring. It’s easier to remember å than it is to remember &229;.

In FrontPage 2000, you can open and edit any document created in FrontPage 97 or FrontPage 98, regardless of the language used in the document, provided the operating system supports the language of the file.

Note   FrontPage 2000 and Internet Explorer 5 encode URLs in UTF-8, a Unicode format. To use FrontPage 2000 to edit FrontPage-based webs that include non-ASCII URLs, you must either have a Web server that supports UTF-8 or turn off UTF-8 encoding.

The enhanced language features in FrontPage 2000 affect file sharing between FrontPage 2000 and previous versions in the following ways:


See also

The Unicode standard provides unique character values for every language that Office supports and makes it even easier to share multilingual documents. For more information, see Sharing Multilingual Documents.

For some languages, you need to have an operating system and fonts that allow you to display and edit the text. For more information, see Configuring Users’ Computers in an International Environment.

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Friday, March 5, 1999
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