Command Line Overview

See Also

VSS provides a command-line interface, which is particularly useful for the following users:

VSS supports command-line commands by using the SS.exe program, which is usually in the Win32 subfolder under the folder you choose in the setup program.

Use the MS-DOS command prompt to access the command line from within Windows NT or Windows 95. You can use the command line by changing your current folder to the folder in which SS.exe resides, or from any folder by typing a complete path to the SS.exe file; for example:


The command line displays output from most commands in traditional character cell format. Certain commands, however, such as the View command, display output in windows. When the command's action is complete, VSS returns you to the command prompt. Each time you enter a command from the command line, VSS prompts you for your username and, if one is set, your password. You can avoid this step by performing certain actions based on your environment. See Avoid the Logon Prompt for more information.

When you are working with the VSS command-line interface, commands such as Get and Check Out place files into your current folder, not into your working folder for the project as they do in the Windows interface.

For information on how to use the command line, refer to: