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ShowAudioControls Property

Sets or retrieves a value specifying whether the audio controls appear on the control bar.


MediaPlayer.ShowAudioControls [ = bShowAudio ]

Possible Values

bShowAudio Boolean value specifying whether the audio controls appear on the control bar. If true, the audio controls display.

This property is read/write with a default value of true.


Audio controls consist of a volume slider bar and a speaker icon that acts as a mute button. This property specifies whether the audio controls appear on the control bar. The control bar itself is displayed or hidden by setting the ShowControls property.

This property can affect the overall width of the Microsoft® Windows Media™ Player. In some cases, the width of the control bar defines the overall width of the Windows Media Player. Adding audio controls increases the width of the control bar.

See Also

ShowControls, Playback Methods and Properties, Customizing the User Interface

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