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The following table lists the properties in the DHTML object model. For properties that appear in multiple table cells, roll the mouse over the text to view a ToolTip indicating the objects to which the property applies. Click the text to jump to a full description of that property.

accessKey action activeElement
align align align
align aLink alinkColor
alt altHTML altKey
appCodeName appMinorVersion appName
appVersion availHeight availWidth
background background background
backgroundAttachment backgroundColor backgroundImage
backgroundPosition backgroundPositionX backgroundPositionY
backgroundRepeat balance behavior
bgColor bgColor bgProperties
border border border
borderBottom borderBottomColor borderBottomStyle
borderBottomWidth borderColor borderColor
borderColorDark borderColorLight borderLeft
borderLeftColor borderLeftStyle borderLeftWidth
borderRight borderRightColor borderRightStyle
borderRightWidth borderStyle borderTop
borderTopColor borderTopStyle borderTopWidth
borderWidth bottomMargin boundingHeight
boundingLeft boundingTop boundingWidth
browserLanguage bufferDepth button
cancelBubble caption cellIndex
cellPadding cellSpacing charset
checked classid className
clear clear clientHeight
clientInformation clientLeft clientTop
clientWidth clientX clientY
clip closed code
codeBase codeBase codeType
color color colorDepth
cols cols cols
colSpan compact complete
connectionSpeed content cookie
cookieEnabled coords cpuClass
cssText ctrlKey cursor
data dataFld dataFormatAs
dataPageSize dataSrc defaultCharset
defaultChecked defaultSelected defaultStatus
defaultValue defer defer
dialogArguments dialogHeight dialogLeft
dialogTop dialogWidth direction
disabled disabled display
domain dynsrc encoding
event expando face
fgColor fileCreatedDate fileModifiedDate
fileSize fileUpdatedDate filter
font fontFamily fontSize
fontSmoothingEnabled fontStyle fontVariant
fontWeight form frame
frameBorder frameSpacing fromElement
hash height height
height hidden host
hostname href href
href href hspace
htmlFor htmlFor htmlText
httpEquiv id indeterminate
index innerHTML innerText
isMap isTextEdit keyCode
lang language lastModified
left leftMargin length
letterSpacing lineHeight link
linkColor listStyle listStyleImage
listStylePosition listStyleType location
loop lowsrc map
margin marginBottom marginHeight
marginLeft marginRight marginTop
marginWidth maxLength media
method Methods mimeTypes
multiple name name
noHref noResize noShade
noWrap object offscreenBuffering
offsetHeight offsetLeft offsetParent
offsetTop offsetWidth offsetX
offsetY onLine opener
outerHTML outerText overflow
owningElement padding paddingBottom
paddingLeft paddingRight paddingTop
pageBreakAfter pageBreakBefore palette
parent parentElement parentStyleSheet
parentTextEdit parentWindow pathname
pixelHeight pixelLeft pixelTop
pixelWidth platform plugins
pluginspage port posHeight
position posLeft posTop
posWidth protocol readOnly
readOnly readyState reason
recordNumber recordset referrer
rel returnValue returnValue
rev rightMargin rowIndex
rows rows rowSpan
rules screenX screenY
scroll scrollAmount scrollDelay
scrollHeight scrolling scrollLeft
scrollTop scrollWidth search
sectionRowIndex selected selectedIndex
self shape shiftKey
size size size
sourceIndex span src
src src srcElement
srcFilter start start
status status style
styleFloat systemLanguage tabIndex
tagName target text
text text text
textAlign textDecoration textDecorationBlink
textDecorationLineThrough textDecorationNone textDecorationOverline
textDecorationUnderline textIndent textTransform
tfoot thead title
title toElement top
top topMargin trueSpeed
type type type
type type type
type type type
units updateInterval url
url urn useMap
userAgent userLanguage vAlign
vAlign value value
value verticalAlign visibility
vLink vlinkColor volume
vspace width width
width wrap x
y zIndex  

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