General Options Dialog Box

See Also

Allows you to specify code for an entire menu system. You can access this dialog box by selecting General Options from the View menu in the Menu Designer.

Dialog Box Options


Creates menu procedure code. If code exceeds the displayed editing region, the scroll bar is activated.


Opens an editing window so you can create code there instead of in the General Options dialog box. To activate the editing window, click Edit, and then click OK in the General Options dialog box.



Replaces the existing menu system with a new menu system.


Adds a new menu system to the right of the active menu system.


Inserts a new menu before the specified menu. This option displays a drop-down list containing the names in the active menu system. To insert the new menu, select the menu name you want the new menu to precede.


Insert a new menu after the specified menu. This option displays a drop-down list containing the names in the active menu system. To insert the new menu, select the menu name you want the new menu to follow.

Menu Code


Opens an editing window in which you can add setup code to a menu system. To make the editing window active, click OK in the General Options dialog box.


Opens an editing window in which you can add cleanup code to a menu system. To make the editing window active, click OK in the General Options dialog box.

Top-Level Form

If checked, allows the menu to be used in a top-level (SDI) form. If not checked, allows the menu to only be used on the Visual FoxPro frame.

For more information, see Chapter 11, Designing Menus and Toolbars in the Programmer's Guide.