View Menu

See Also

The View menu displays Report, Label, and Form designers and toolbars, and lets you customize the way you work in a table.

Menu Commands


Displays the Toolbars dialog box where you can create, edit, hide, and customize toolbars.


Displays the Properties window so you can set or change the properties of forms and controls. This command is available when you open the Form Designer or Class Designer.

Browse <table>

Displays the contents of the current table or view in a Browse window, and allows you to examine and make changes to data in the table or view. This command is available when you open a table or view in Browse, Edit, or Append Mode view.


Displays the contents of the selected table or view with the fields in each record listed one below the other, and allows you to examine and make changes to the data in the table or view. This command is available when a table is open in Browse, Edit, or Append Mode view.

Append Mode

Automatically adds new records to the end of the current table or view when an entry is made in the last record. You can append records in either the edit or browse view of the table or view. This command is available when a table or view is open in a Browse, Edit, or Append Mode view.

Database Designer

Displays the Database Designer, where you can view and modify all the tables, views, and relationships contained in the current database. This command is available when you open a table in a Browse, Edit, or Append Mode view that is associated with a database.

Table Designer

Displays the Table Designer, where you create and modify the structure of database tables, free tables, table fields, and indexes. This command is available when a table is open in a Browse, Edit, or Append Mode view.

Grid Lines

Removes or adds lines to aid you in reading data or positioning objects. If you are viewing a table in Browse or Append Mode, the Grid Lines command adds horizontal and vertical lines between records and fields; in an Edit view, horizontal lines are added between records. If you are designing a form, report, or label, the Grid Lines command places a grid in the design area.

Note   These grid line settings apply to the current form, report, or label only, and will be saved for this current file in the resource file.


Puts a new or existing label, report, or form in design mode. This command is available, and checked, when you create a new label or report, or when you open an existing one. To turn this command off, choose the Preview command.

Tab Order

Sets the tab order for objects on a form. Available when you run the Form or Class Designer. You can choose the method for setting the tab order by selecting either Interactive or By List in the Forms tab of the Options dialog box.


Displays the Code window, so you can write, display, and edit event code. This command is available when you open the Form Designer.

Form Controls Toolbar

Displays the Form Controls toolbar, which you use to create controls on a form. This command is available when you open the Form Designer or Class Designer.

Layout Toolbar

Displays the Layout Toolbar, which you use to align, size, and position controls. A check mark by the command indicates the toolbar is currently displayed. This command is available when you open the Form Designer, Class Designer, Report Designer, or Label Designer.

Color Palette Toolbar

Displays the Color Palette toolbar, which you use to specify foreground and background colors for a control. A check mark by the command indicates that the toolbar is currently displayed. This command is available when you open the Form Designer, Report Designer, Class Designer, or Label Designer.

Show Position

Shows in the status bar the position, height, and width of the selected object in a form, report, or label. If more than one object is selected, Show Position displays the first-selected object's position. For a selected object in a report or label, its position and dimensions are displayed in the left half of the status bar. The position of the object's top, left, bottom, and right edges are shown, followed by its height and width, in the current ruler increments. If no object is selected, the mouse pointer position is shown. For a selected object in a form, its position and dimensions are displayed in the right half of the status bar. The first two numbers show the horizontal position of the object's top left corner, followed by its vertical position. The second two numbers show the object's width and height. Position and dimensions are reckoned in pixels from the top left corner of the designer window, and from left to right. This command is available when you work in the Form Designer, Report Designer, or Label Designer.


Shows a report or label in a print preview. To close the print preview, you can click the Close Preview button on the Print Preview toolbar or choose the Design command on the View menu. This command is available when you work in the Report Designer or Label Designer.

Report Controls Toolbar

Displays the Report Controls toolbar, which you use to create controls on a report. A check mark by the command indicates that the toolbar is currently displayed. This command is available when you work in the Report Designer.

General Options

Displays the General Options dialog box, where you can specify code for an entire menu system. Available when you open the Menu Designer.

Menu Options

Displays the Menu Options dialog box, where you can specify code for a specific menu. Available when you open the Menu Designer.

Maximize Top Pane

Enlarges the top pane of the Query and View Designers so you can see all the tables in the query or view. This command is available when you open the Query Designer or View Designer.

Minimize Top Pane

Reduces the top pane of the Query and View Designers so you can see the tabs in the bottom half of the window. This command is available when you open the Query Designer or View Designer.

Data Environment

Displays the Data Environment Designer, which you use to create and modify the data environment for forms, form sets, and reports. This command is available when you open the Form Designer, Report Designer, or Label Designer.

For more information, see Chapter 7, Designing Reports and Labels in the User's Guide.