Edit Menu

See Also

The Edit menu contains options for editing, searching for, and manipulating text and controls.

Edit Menu Commands


Reverses the last editing change. When you save a file, the Undo command is disabled until you change the file in some way. The Undo command reverses keystrokes, cut, paste, or clear actions, moving of text, indent or outdent, and replacement. Shortcut: CTRL+Z


Reverses the last Undo command. When you save a file, the Redo command is disabled until you type new text and use the Undo command. The Redo command reverses keystrokes, cut, paste, or clear actions, moving of text, indent or outdent, and replacement. Shortcut: CTRL+R


Removes selected text, controls, or anything else that you can select, to the Clipboard. Once you cut (or copy) something, you can paste it elsewhere in your application or in other applications. Shortcut: CTRL+X


Duplicates selected text, controls, or anything else that you can select, and puts it on the Clipboard. Once you copy (or cut) something to the Clipboard, you can paste it elsewhere in your application or in other applications. Shortcut: CTRL+C


Takes cut or copied text, objects, controls, or anything that you can select (except for forms) from the Clipboard and places it at the insertion point. To place your selection on the Clipboard, use the Cut or Copy commands. Shortcut: CTRL+V

Paste Special

Displays the Paste Special dialog box, which allows you to link or embed an OLE object from the Clipboard. To use Paste Special, you must first copy the object you want to paste to the Clipboard; this will enable the command. Visual FoxPro places the object in the current General field. You must open the General Field window to paste the data.


Removes selected text, objects, or anything else that you can select, without moving it to the Clipboard.

Select All

Selects all objects or text in the active window, or a field in a browse window. Shortcut: CTRL+A


Displays the Find dialog box so you can search for text. Shortcut: CTRL+F

Find Again

Searches for another occurrence of the text last typed into the Find dialog box. Shortcut: CTRL+G


Searches for and replaces specified text in the current file by displaying the Replace dialog box. To replace in tables, use Replace Field on the Table menu. Shortcut: CTRL+L

Go To Line

Moves the insertion point to the designated line in a text or program file, or in the Command window, by displaying the Go To Line dialog box.

Insert Object

Displays the Insert Object dialog box, which lists the OLE objects you can link or embed in your application for forms or General fields in Visual FoxPro tables.


Displays a list of actions supported by the currently selected OLE object. This option is enabled when a General Field window is active or when a Bound OLE control is selected on a running form. Its name changes to reflect the type of OLE object selected in the field. For example, if you've selected a picture that was linked or embedded from Microsoft Paint, this menu option changes to Edit Paint Picture Object.


Displays the Edit Link dialog box so you can change or break an object link.


Displays the Edit Properties dialog box, which allows you to set editing options for the current editing window or set color and font options for all editing sessions. This edit command is enabled when you modify a text file or select the Command window. You can also access this dialog box when you choose Properties from the shortcut menu of any editing window.