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currentStyle Object Members

Represents the cascaded format and style of the object as specified by global style sheets, inline styles, and HTML attributes.


backgroundAttachment , backgroundColor , backgroundImage , backgroundPositionX , backgroundPositionY , backgroundRepeat , borderBottomColor , borderBottomStyle , borderBottomWidth , borderColor , borderLeftColor , borderLeftStyle , borderLeftWidth , borderRightColor , borderRightStyle , borderRightWidth , borderStyle , borderTopColor , borderTopStyle , borderTopWidth , borderWidth , bottom , clear , clipBottom , clipLeft , clipRight , clipTop , color , cursor , direction , fontFamily , fontSize , fontStyle , fontVariant , fontWeight , height , layoutGridChar , layoutGridCharSpacing , layoutGridLine , layoutGridMode , layoutGridType , left , letterSpacing , lineHeight , listStyleImage , listStylePosition , listStyleType , margin , marginBottom , marginLeft , marginRight , marginTop , overflow , overflowX , overflowY , pageBreakAfter , pageBreakBefore , right , styleFloat , tableLayout , textAlign , textDecoration , textIndent , textTransform , top , unicodeBidi , verticalAlign , visibility , width , zIndex

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