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INPUT type=hidden Element | INPUT type=hidden Object Members

Transmits state information about client/server interaction.


className , dataFld , dataSrc , defaultValue , form , id , isTextEdit , lang , language , name , nextSibling , nodeName , nodeType , nodeValue , offsetParent , outerHTML , outerText , parentElement , parentNode , parentTextEdit , previousSibling , readyState , recordNumber , runtimeStyle , scopeName , sourceIndex , style , tagName , tagUrn , type , uniqueID , value


addBehavior , applyElement , attachEvent , clearAttributes , cloneNode , componentFromPoint , createTextRange , detachEvent , getAdjacentText , getAttribute , getExpression , insertAdjacentElement , insertAdjacentHTML , insertAdjacentText , mergeAttributes , releaseCapture , removeAttribute , removeBehavior , removeChild , removeExpression , replaceAdjacentText , replaceChild , setAttribute , setCapture , setExpression , swapNode


onbeforeeditfocus , onfocus , onlosecapture , onpropertychange , onreadystatechange


attributes , behaviorUrns


clientCaps , download , homePage , httpFolder , saveFavorite , saveHistory , saveSnapshot , time , userData


behavior text-autospace

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