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BASE Element | BASE Object

Specifies an explicit URL used to resolve links and references to external sources such as images and style sheets.

HTML Syntax

    TARGET=window_name | _blank | _parent | _search | _self | _top 


When used, the BASE element must appear within the HEAD of the document, before any elements that refer to an external source.

The BASE element does not require a closing tag.

This element is available in HTML as of Microsoft® Internet Explorer 3.0, and in script as of Internet Explorer 4.0.



This example sets the base URL of the document to a reference folder. Internet Explorer uses the BASE element to resolve the link to


Click <A HREF="properties/href_2.asp">here</A> to learn about the 
href property.

This example retrieves the base URL from the document if a valid BASE element is specified in the document. Otherwise, the function returns null.

function GetBase()
    var oBaseColl = document.all.tags('BASE');
    return ( (oBaseColl && oBaseColl.length) ? oBaseColl[0].href : 
        null );

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