Specifies an explicit URL used to resolve links and references to external sources such as images and style sheets.
currentStyle , firstChild , href , id , isTextEdit , lastChild , nextSibling , nodeName , nodeType , nodeValue , parentElement , parentNode , parentTextEdit , previousSibling , readyState , runtimeStyle , scopeName , sourceIndex , style , tagName , tagUrn , target , uniqueID
addBehavior , applyElement , attachEvent , clearAttributes , cloneNode , componentFromPoint , contains , detachEvent , getAdjacentText , getAttribute , getBoundingClientRect , getClientRects , getElementsByTagName , hasChildNodes , insertAdjacentElement , mergeAttributes , removeAttribute , removeBehavior , replaceAdjacentText , setAttribute , swapNode
all , attributes , behaviorUrns , childNodes , children
clientCaps , download , homePage
width behavior layout-grid layout-grid-mode text-autospace