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Related Topics Command

Microsoft Corporation

Updated June 10, 1999


Displays a list of target topics that a user can jump to. The Item parameter stores information about each target. The list of target topics appears on a pop-up menu or in a dialog box.

This command can be used with either a compiled help (.chm) file or uncompiled HTML files.


<PARAM  name="Command" value="Related Topics [,menu|,dialog]">

<PARAM name="Item1" value="Topic1;Main URL for Topic1;Alternate URL for Topic1">
[<PARAM name="Button" value="[Text: Button text|Bitmap: Bitmap file path|Icon:Icon file path]">]
[<PARAM name="Font" value="Facename[, point size[, charset[, color[, PLAIN BOLD ITALIC UNDERLINE]]]]">]
[<PARAM name="Frame" value="Frame Name">]
[<PARAM name="Text" value="Text: Link text">]

Property Description
Button Specifies the button style. Optional.
Command Calls the Related Topics command and specifies whether to display target topics on a pop-up menu or in a dialog box.

If you do not specify a display option, a dialog box appears by default.

To specify the Topics Found dialog box, type dialog.

To specify a pop-up menu, type menu.

Font Specifies the font attributes. Optional.
Frame Specifies the frame in which to display the selected topic. Optional.
Item1 Specifies the following information about the target topic:
  • Topic title as you want it to appear in the Topics Found dialog box or on a pop-up menu.
  • Topic file path.
  • Alternate topic to display if the first topic is unavailable.

Multiple values are delimited by a semicolon.

To specify subsequent topic information, use Item2, Item3, etc.

Text Specifies the link text. Optional.



<PARAM name="Command" value="Related Topics, MENU">
<PARAM name="Button" value="Text:See Also">
<PARAM name="Item1" value="About Oxala;oxala.html;">
<PARAM name="Item2" value="About Yemanja;Yemanja.html;">
<PARAM name="Item3" value="About Oba;oba.html;">
<PARAM name="Item4" value="About Ogum;ogum.html;">
<PARAM name="Item5" value="Bad Link;bad_link.html;"> </OBJECT>

Sample Related Topics command


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