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Item Parameter

Microsoft Corporation

Updated June 10, 1999

The Item parameter is dependent on the specified command. For usage information, see the individual commands that use this parameter.

Applies to

Related Topics

Valid values

Syntax Description
<PARAM name="Item1" value=" ">

<PARAM name="Item2" value=" ">
<PARAM name="Item3" value=" ">

Valid values depend on which command is specified.

  • Alink: Specifies the .chm file path and one or more ALink names to look up.
  • Contents: Specifies the .hhc file path.
  • Index: Specifies the .hhk file path.
  • KLink: Specifies the .chm file path and one or more keywords to look up.
  • Related Topics: Specifies an entry in the Related Topics list.
  • Shortcut: Specifies the program to open. Depending on the functionality you want to implement with the Shortcut command, you may need to supply additional information.
  • Splash: Specifies the image file path and length of time the image will appear.
  • TCard: Specifies the wPARAM and lPARAM values to pass to the Windows WM_TCARD message. Depending on the functionality you want to implement with TCard, you may need to supply additional information.
  • WinHelp: Specifies the .hlp file path and topic ID (or map number).

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