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Creating a Training Card

Microsoft Corporation

Updated June 10, 1999

Training cards are specialized help topics, to send instructions to, and receive instructions from, a program. They are particularly useful in guiding users through a procedure step-by-step.

  1. Open an HTML file, and then position your cursor at the location where you want to have information sent to or from a program.
  2. Click HTML Help ActiveX Control.

    HTML Help ActiveX Control

    Opens the HTML Help ActiveX Control Wizard, which enables you to insert or edit the control in an HTML file.

  3. In the Specify the command box, click Training Card, and then if you have already used the HTML Help ActiveX control in this file, enter an ID name for this instance of the control.
  4. Work with a developer and the HTML Help API to add the appropriate WM_TCARD calls for your training card.


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