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TCard Command

Microsoft Corporation

Updated June 10, 1999


Sends a Windows WM_TCARD message to the calling program to invoke a training card topic or to perform some other action.

Training cards are help topics that interact with the calling program by sending the appropriate message parameters via WM_TCARD in response to a user action, such as clicking a button within the help window. The calling program then handles the message and responds by performing a specific action. The action can be anything from calling an HTML Help API function to opening an application dialog box.

Typical uses of training cards include guiding users through the steps of a certain task or a troubleshooting process.

This command can be used only with a compiled help (.chm) file.


<PARAM  name="Command" value="TCard">

<PARAM name="Item1" value="wPARAM, lPARAM">
[<PARAM name="Button" value="[Text: Button text|Bitmap: Bitmap file path|Icon:Icon file path]">]
[<PARAM name="Text" value="Text: Link text">]
[<PARAM name="Font" value="Facename[, point size[, charset[, color[, PLAIN BOLD ITALIC UNDERLINE]]]]">]

Property Description
Button Specifies the button style. Optional.
Command Calls the TCard command.
Font Specifies the font attributes. Optional.
Item1 Specifies the wPARAM and the lPARAM parameter values to pass to the WM_TCARD message.

wPARAM usually identifies a user action; this value must be numeric.

lPARAM may contain additional data, depending on the value of wPARAM; this value may be numeric or string.

Text Specifies the link text. Optional.



<PARAM name="Command" value="TCard">
<PARAM name="Button" value="Text: This is a training card">
<PARAM name="Item1" value="5555, MyText"> </OBJECT>


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