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About Converting Existing Help Projects

Microsoft Corporation

Updated June 10, 1999

Microsoft HTML Help 1.2 is the next-generation online authoring system from Microsoft Corporation and is based on Microsoft WinHelp 4.0. If you've used WinHelp or Help Workshop before, you will be familiar with many of the features of HTML Help and HTML Help Workshop.

Like WinHelp, HTML Help uses a project file to combine topic, contents, index, image, and other source files into one compiled help file. HTML Help also provides you with HTML Help Workshop, an authoring tool that makes it easy to view, manage, and edit your files in an enhanced user interface. Unlike WinHelp, HTML Help has no practical help system limits. Help file size, topic size, contents entry limits, and keyword limits have all been eliminated.

HTML Help Workshop has a feature that allows you to easily convert an existing WinHelp project into an HTML Help project.

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