Called from MSHTML to display a context menu.
HRESULT ShowContextMenu( DWORD dwID, POINT FAR *ppt, IUnknown FAR *pcmdTarget, IDispatch FAR *pdispObject );
- dwID
- Identifier of the context menu to be displayed.
- ppt
- POINT structure containing the screen coordinates for the menu.
- pcmdTarget
- Address of an IOleCommandTarget interface used to query command status and execute commands on this object.
- pdispObject
- Address of an IDispatch interface of the object at the screen coordinates specified in ppt. This allows a host to differentiate particular objects to provide more specific context.
Return Value
Returns one of the following values:
S_OK Host displayed its own UI. MSHTML will not attempt to display its UI. S_FALSE Host did not display any UI. MSHTML will display its UI. DOCHOST_E_UNKNOWN Menu identifier is unknown. MSHTML may attempt an alternative identifier from a previous version.
In Microsoft® Internet Explorer 4.0 the pdispObject parameter supplied no information, but in Internet Explorer 5 and later the parameter contains the address of an IDispatch interface.
Windows CE
Windows CE Use version 2.12 and later Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0
The following code example shows how the pdispObject parameter is used.
IHTMLElement *pElem; HRESULT hr; hr = pdispObject->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLElement, (void**)pElem); if(SUCCEEDED (hr)) { BSTR bstr; pElem->get_tagName(bstr); USES_CONVERSION; ATLTRACE("TagName:%s\n", OLE2T(bstr)); SysFreeString(bstr); pElem->Release(); }