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IDocHostUIHandler::ShowUI Method

Allows the host to replace the MSHTML menus and toolbars.


    DWORD dwID,
    IOleInPlaceActiveObject FAR *pActiveObject,
    IOleCommandTarget FAR *pCommandTarget,
    IOleInPlaceFrame FAR *pFrame,
    IOleInPlaceUIWindow FAR *pDoc


DOCHOSTUITYPE value that indicates the type of user interface.
Address of an IOleInPlaceActiveObject interface for the active object.
Address of an IOleCommandTarget interface for the object.
Address of an IOleInPlaceFrame interface for the object. Menus and toolbars must use this parameter.
Address of an IOleInPlaceUIWindow interface for the object. Toolbars must use this parameter.

Return Value

Returns one of the following values:

S_OK Host displayed its own UI. MSHTML will not display its UI.
S_FALSE Host did not display its own UI. MSHTML will display its UI.
DOCHOST_E_UNKNOWN Host did not recognize the UI identifier. MSHTML will either try an alternative identifier for compatibility with a previous version or display its own UI.


If the host uses any of the interfaces handed to it as part of this function, the host should call the interface's AddRef method to save the interface for later use. If the host calls the interface's AddRef method, the host must also call the interface's Release method when the interface is no longer required.

A host can disable modeless UI on MSHTML by calling IOleCommandTarget::Exec with IDM_DISABLEMODELESS and IDM_ENABLEMODELESS.

Windows CE

Windows CE Use version 2.12 and later
Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0

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