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IDocHostUIHandler::TranslateUrl Method

Called by MSHTML to allow the host an opportunity to modify the URL to be loaded.


HRESULT TranslateUrl(
    DWORD dwTranslate, 
    OLECHAR *pchURLIn,
    OLECHAR **ppchURLOut    


Reserved for future use.
Address of a string supplied by MSHTML that represents the URL to be translated.
Address of a string pointer that receives the address of the translated URL. The host allocates the buffer using the task memory allocator. The contents of this parameter should always be initialized to NULL, even if the URL is not translated or the method fails.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if the URL was translated, or S_FALSE if the URL was not translated.

Windows CE

Windows CE Use version 2.12 and later
Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0

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