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IDocHostUIHandler::TranslateAccelerator Method

Called by MSHTML when IOleInPlaceActiveObject::TranslateAccelerator or IOleControlSite::TranslateAccelerator is called.


HRESULT TranslateAccelerator( 
    LPMSG lpMsg,
    const GUID FAR *pguidCmdGroup,
    DWORD nCmdID


Address of the message to be translated.
Address of the command group identifier.
Unsigned long integer that specifies a command identifier.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful, or S_FALSE otherwise.


When you use accelerator keys such as TAB, you may need to override the default host behavior. The example shows how to do this.

Windows CE

Windows CE Use version 2.12 and later
Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0


This example shows how to override the default host behavior that occurs when a user tabs out of the first or last element.

CYourControlSite::TranslateAccelerator(MSG *pMsg, DWORD dwFlags)
if( pMsg && pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == VK_TAB )
  return S_FALSE;
//return baseclassControlSite::TranslateAccelerator( pMsg, dwFlags);

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