This interface provides access to the properties and methods of the SELECT element.
IHTMLSelectElement Methods
add Adds an OPTION element to a SELECT block. get__newEnum Retrieves an enumerator interface that can be used to iterate through the options collection of the SELECT element. get_disabled Retrieves the value that indicates whether the control is enabled or disabled. get_form Retrieves a reference to the form the element is embedded on. get_length Retrieves the number of elements in the SELECT block. get_multiple Retrieves the value that indicates whether multiple items in the list can be selected. get_name Retrieves the name of the control, bookmark, or application. get_onchange Retrieves a pointer to the event handler function associated with the onchange event on the SELECT element. This occurs when the contents of the object have changed. get_options Retrieves an interface pointer for a collection of OPTION elements in a SELECT object. get_selectedIndex Retrieves the index of the item selected from the list box or drop-down list associated with the SELECT object. get_size Retrieves the number of rows in the list box. get_type Retrieves the type of intrinsic control represented by the given element object. get_value Retrieves a string containing the value selected. item Retrieves an interface pointer for an element in a SELECT block. put_disabled Sets the value that indicates whether the control is enabled or disabled. put_length Sets the number of elements in the SELECT block. put_multiple Sets the value that indicates whether multiple items in the list can be selected. put_name Sets the name of the control, bookmark, or application. put_onchange Sets a pointer to the event handler function associated with the onchange event on the SELECT element. This occurs when the contents of the object have changed. put_selectedIndex Sets the index of the item selected from the list box or drop-down list associated with the SELECT object. put_size Sets the number of rows in the list box. put_value Sets the selection values of the object. remove Removes the given element from the SELECT block. tags Retrieves a collection of all elements in the specified collection that have the given HTML tag name.
Interface Information
Implementation System (Mshtml.dll) Inherits from IDispatch Header and IDL files Mshtml.h, Mshtml.idl Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0 Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0
Windows CE
Windows CE Use version 2.12 and later Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0