This interface is an extension of IRemoteDebugApplication. It exposes methods for use by language engines and hosts.
IDebugApplication Methods
AddGlobalExpressionContextProvider Adds a global expression context provider to an application. AddStackFrameSniffer Adds a stack frame sniffer to the application. Close Causes the application to release all references and enter a shutdown state. CreateApplicationNode Creates a new application node that is associated with a specific document provider. CreateAsyncDebugOperation Provides a mechanism for language engines to implement asynchronous expressions and evaluations. DebugOutput Causes a string to be displayed by the debugger. FCanJitDebug Returns TRUE if a just-in-time (JIT) debugger is registered. FIsAutoJitDebugEnabled Returns TRUE if a just-in-time (JIT) debugger is registered to auto-JIT debug. GetBreakFlags Retrieves the current break flags. GetCurrentThread Returns the application thread object associated with the thread that is currently running. HandleBreakPoint Called by the language engine when a breakpoint is hit. HandleRuntimeError Called to process run-time errors. QueryCurrentThreadIsDebuggerThread Retrieves whether the thread that is currently running is a debugger thread. RemoveGlobalExpressionContextProvider Removes a global expression context provider from an application. RemoveStackFrameSniffer Removes a stack frame sniffer from an application. SetName Sets the name of the application. StartDebugSession Causes a default Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to be started. StepOutComplete Called by a language engine, in single step mode, just before the engine returns to the caller. SynchronousCallInDebuggerThread Provides a mechanism for the caller to run code in the debugger thread.
Interface Information
Implementation Custom Inherits from IRemoteDebugApplication Header and IDL files Activdbg.h, Activdbg.idl Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0 Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0