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Active Script Debugging API Interfaces

This section describes the Active Script Debugging API interfaces.

IActiveScriptDebug This interface is implemented by script engines that support debugging to enable hosts to manage documents. It also enables process debug managers to synchronize debugging of multiple script engines.
IActiveScriptErrorDebug This interface provides the document context information for compile and run-time errors.
IActiveScriptSiteDebug This interface enables a host to manage documents and participate in debugging.
IApplicationDebugger This interface is the primary interface exposed by a debugger Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
IApplicationDebuggerUI This interface allows an external component to have additional control over the debugger UI.
IDebugApplication This interface is an extension of IRemoteDebugApplication. It exposes methods for use by language engines and hosts.
IDebugApplicationNode This interface provides the same functionality as the IDebugDocumentProvider interface and maintains a position for a document in the hierarchy, and provides a context within the tree.
IDebugApplicationNodeEvents This interface processes the events fired by the process debug manager when document hierarchy changes.
IDebugApplicationThread This interface is an extension of the IRemoteDebugApplicationThread interface and is used by language engines and hosts to provide thread synchronization and to maintain thread-specific debug state information.
IDebugAsyncOperation This interface provides asynchronous access to a synchronous debug operation.
IDebugAsyncOperationCallBack This interface is used to process events from an IDebugAsyncOperation interface.
IDebugCodeContext This interface identifies a position in an executable code file.
IDebugCookie This interface sets a debug cookie.
IDebugDocument This interface is the base interface for all debug documents.
IDebugDocumentContext This interface identifies a portion of a debug document.
IDebugDocumentHelper This interface is used to create a host for debugging.
IDebugDocumentHost This interface exposes host-specific functionality such as syntax coloring.
IDebugDocumentInfo This interface retrieves the CLSID and name of a document.
IDebugDocumentProvider This interface provides the means for instantiating a document on demand.
IDebugDocumentText This interface provides access to a text-only debug document.
IDebugDocumentTextEvents This interface fires events indicating changes to the text document.
IDebugExpression This interface is used by the debugger Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to implement an execution or watch window.
IDebugExpressionCallBack This interface provides status events related to the progress of an expression evaluation.
IDebugExpressionContext This interface is a representation of a context in which expressions can be evaluated.
IDebugFormatter This interface enables a language or Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to customize the conversion between a VARIANT or VARTYPE and a string.
IDebugHelper This interface is a factory for object browsers and simple connection points.
IDebugSessionProvider This interface enables host and language initiated debugging.
IDebugStackFrame This interface represents the logical stack frame of a thread.
IDebugStackFrameSniffer This interface provides a means for enumerating logical stack frames.
IDebugStackFrameSnifferEx This interface is an extension of the IDebugStackFrameSniffer interface and provides a means for enumerating logical stack frames.
IDebugSyncOperation This interface is implemented by a language engine to expose expression evaluation.
IDebugThreadCall This interface dispatches a call to an application from a specified thread.
IEnumDebugApplicationNodes This interface enumerates application nodes. It is generally used to enumerate child nodes of a node associated with an application.
IEnumDebugCodeContexts This interface enumerates code contexts. It is generally used to enumerate the code contexts corresponding to a document context.
IEnumDebugExpressionContexts This interface enumerates expression contexts.
IEnumDebugStackFrames This interface enumerates stack frames.
IEnumRemoteDebugApplications This interface enumerates application objects.
IEnumRemoteDebugApplicationThreads This interface enumerates thread objects.
IMachineDebugManager This interface maintains a registry of debuggable application processes.
IMachineDebugManagerCookie This interface maintains a registry of debuggable application processes with debug cookie support.
IMachineDebugManagerEvents This interface signals changes in the list of running applications maintained by the machine debug manager. It can be used by the debugger integrated development environment (IDE) to display a dynamic list of applications.
IProcessDebugManager This interface maintains the tree of debuggable documents for a particular application, tracks the running threads, and maintains a debugger thread for asynchronous processing.
IProvideExpressionContexts This interface provides access to debugger expression contexts.
IRemoteDebugApplication This interface represents a running application.
IRemoteDebugApplicationEvents Event interface supplied by a debug application.
IRemoteDebugApplicationThread This interface is an abstraction representing a thread of execution within a particular application.
ISimpleConnectionPoint This interface provides a simple method of describing and enumerating events fired on a connection point.

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