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IDebugDocumentHelper Interface

This interface is used to create a host for debugging.

IDebugDocumentHelper Methods

AddDBCSText Adds a given set of double-byte character set (DBCS) characters to the end of a document.
AddDeferredText Notifies the helper that the given text is available but does not provide the characters until they are needed.
AddUnicodeText Adds a given set of Unicode characters to the end of a document.
Attach Attaches a document to the document tree.
BringDocumentContextToTop Brings a given context in a document to the top in the debugger UI.
BringDocumentToTop Brings a document to the top in the debugger UI.
CreateDebugDocumentContext Allows the host to create a new debug document context.
DefineScriptBlock Notifies the helper that a range of characters is a script block handled by a given script engine.
Detach Removes a document from the document tree.
GetDebugApplicationNode Retrieves the debug application node corresponding to this document.
GetScriptBlockInfo Allows an associated range and script engine to be retrieved.
Init Initializes a debug document helper with a given name and initial attributes.
SetDebugDocumentHost Sets the IDebugDocumentHost interface.
SetDefaultTextAttr Sets the default attributes to use for text that is not in a script block.
SetDocumentAttr Defines a new set of document attributes.
SetLongName Sets a new long name for the document.
SetShortName Sets a new short name for the document.
SetTextAttributes Sets the attributes on a range of text.

Interface Information

Implementation Custom
Inherits from IUnknown
Header and IDL files Activdbg.h, Activdbg.idl
Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0
Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0

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