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IDebugDocumentText Interface

This interface provides access to a text-only debug document.

IDebugDocumentText Methods

GetContextOfPosition Creates a document context object corresponding to the specified character range.
GetDocumentAttributes Retrieves the attributes of the document.
GetLineOfPosition Retrieves the line number and character offset that corresponds to a given character position.
GetPositionOfContext Retrieves the character position range of a document context.
GetPositionOfLine Retrieves the character position of the first character of a line.
GetSize Retrieves the size of the document.
GetText Retrieves the characters or the character attributes of a range of characters.

Interface Information

Implementation Custom
Inherits from IDebugDocument
Header and IDL files Activdbg.h, Activdbg.idl
Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0
Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0

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