This interface allows access to a thread that is being executed within a particular application.
IRemoteDebugApplicationThread Methods
EnumStackFrames Retrieves an enumerator for the stack frames associated with the thread. GetApplication Retrieves the application object associated with the thread. GetDescription Retrieves the description and state of the thread. GetState Retrieves the state of the thread. GetSuspendCount Retrieves the suspend count of the thread. GetSystemThreadId Retrieves an operating-system-dependent identifier associated with the thread. Resume Resumes execution of the thread. SetNextStatement Sets the next statement to execute when debugging an application. Suspend Suspends execution of the thread.
Interface Information
Implementation Custom Inherits from IUnknown Header and IDL files Activdbg.h, Activdbg.idl Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0 Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0