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Choosing a Packaging and Distribution Method

Microsoft® Internet Explorer version 3.0 and later provides Internet Component Download services that enable users to download and install software components from the Internet and intranets. You, the software provider or Web master, can "package" applications and place them on your Web servers for download.

There are four primary methods of packaging and distributing your components to use Internet Component Download. Some methods can be combined with others to provide enhanced functionality. The method you choose will depend upon such things as the browser versions you wish to support, the type of code component you wish to distribute, the international languages your code will be distributed in, and the platforms your code will run on.

The purpose of this article is to help you decide on the appropriate combination of distribution methods for your particular Internet Component Download task. The article begins by listing the primary options and discussing the relative merits of each. The next section of the article considers the packaging and distribution decision from a problem-based perspective. Links to additional relevant articles are provided throughout the article and at the end.


This section lists the methods for distributing downloadable code components and explores the reasons for choosing one method over another.

Selection Criteria

This section considers the packaging and distribution decision from a problem-based perspective. The method you choose for distributing your code component will depend upon such things as the browser versions you wish to support, the type of code component you wish to distribute, the number of languages your code will be distributed in, and the number of platforms your code will run on.

  1. What is the earliest version of Internet Explorer you need to support?

    Newer versions, of course, mean more code distribution options. OSD support began with Internet Explorer 3.0. Support for catalog files began with Internet Explorer 5. The following table summarizes the methods available to users with different versions of Internet Explorer.

    Code Distribution MethodInternet Explorer Version
    Stand-alone .exeYesYesYes
    Stand-alone .inf fileYesYesYes
    Stand-alone OSD fileNoYesYes
    .cab file with .inf fileYesYesYes
    .cab file with OSD fileNoYesYes
    .cab file with .inf and OSD filesYes*YesYes
    .cab file with catalog fileNoNoYes

    * OSD files are ignored by Internet Explorer 3.0.

  2. Are any of your components dependent on other components?

    Often your software will require other software to work properly. If you are distributing your software using a distribution unit, your INF file and/or OSD file can be used to define software dependencies. Dependencies cannot be specified with a stand-alone executable file. A stand-alone INF file or OSD file will work, but then you have the signing/security issue to consider. If none of your users have Internet Explorer 4.0 or later, you'll need to specify dependencies in your INF file because their browsers won't recognize OSD files.

  3. Is your software available in more than one international language?

    If your software is available in English and Japanese, for example, an INF file or cabinet file with an INF file are not appropriate distribution methods. A stand-alone OSD file will work, or better yet, a cabinet file with an OSD file. The OSD vocabulary is supported by Internet Explorer 4.0 and later.

  4. Can your software be used across multiple platforms?

    If so, one stand-alone executable will not work for you. OSD is the most flexible way of specifying platform requirements, including operating systems.

  5. Will your software be signed?

    If you are distributing your component using an .exe or cabinet file over the Internet, you'll definitely want to sign it. For more information on signing components, see:

  6. Do you want to register your software component?
  7. Stand-alone OSD files cannot make registry entries. You will either have to use a stand-alone executable or a cabinet file with an INF file (with or without an OSD file).

  8. Should you package a Java applet?

    There are two very good reasons for packaging a Java applet. The first reason is to enable offline browsing of your site. Users who have your pages saved on their hard drives can browse at their leisure, frequently and efficiently. The second reason for packaging Java applets is to avoid repetitive downloads. Frequent visitors to your Web sites are downloading your applets repeatedly, wasting bandwidth and server time. The preferred way to distribute Java components is in a cabinet file with an OSD file. Java distributors must package all classes and applets that run outside the Java sandbox.


The following table summarizes the Internet Component Download packaging and distribution options, as well as the criteria for choosing an option for a particular distribution task.

Decision Criteria Options
Stand-alone .cab file with
.exe .inf OSD .inf OSD .inf & OSD
Can make registry entries Yes Yes No Yes No Yes
Can be signed Yes No No Yes Yes Yes
Can specify language dependencies No No Yes No Yes Yes
Can specify software dependencies No Limited Yes Limited Yes Yes
Compresses files for faster download No No No Yes Yes Yes
Works with Java No No Yes No Yes Yes

Related Topics

The following lists contain links to topics related to Internet Component Download.



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