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Open Software Description Overview

Open Software Description (OSD) is an XML vocabulary used to describe software components and their relationships to other components. The OSD vocabulary is a standard (open) way to describe software components, their versions, their underlying structures and their dependence on other components.

It is standard for books to have a table of contents. Think of OSD as the equivalent contents list for software components.

This article is an overview of the OSD vocabulary. It presents high-level information about the benefits and usage of OSD.

Key Terms and Concepts

This section describes the fundamental terms and concepts associated with the OSD vocabulary.


Microsoft Internet Explorer version 3.0 and later provides Internet Component Download services for downloading, certificate checking, and installing software packages from the Internet and intranets. Support for OSD files began with Internet Explorer 4.0.

For information about Internet Component Download distribution methods supported by different versions of Internet Explorer, see Choosing a Packaging and Distribution Method.


Open Software Description provides a larger and more flexible vocabulary than INF files for describing Web-bound software distribution packages. When structure and dependencies can be clearly described, only those parts of the package that need to be changed will be downloaded. You can save users time and bandwidth by not overwriting or duplicating package downloads.

Sample Uses

OSD files are used to describe the parts of a software package's structured hierarchy and to describe how the parts are dependent on each other. An OSD file can be compressed in a cabinet file as part of a distribution unit. The OSD vocabulary can be used to describe Java classes and applets, complex software dependencies, and platform and language requirements.

Examples of the OSD syntax for a variety of uses are presented in OSD File Architecture.

Software Update Channels

Channel Definition Format (CDF) is an XML vocabulary for delivering Web content. It is used to describe the hierarchy of pages in a Web site, as well as a schedule recommended by the Web publisher for updating the content of the site. Web sites described by CDF files are referred to as Active Channel™ sites.

Users "subscribe" to Active Channel sites by clicking a hyperlink on a Web page that downloads a CDF file. Subscribing enables users to view the channel's contents offline, if they choose, without the delays (or expense) associated with a modem connection. Users may also elect to receive automatic updates of the channel's contents.

When you include the OSD SOFTPKG element in a CDF file, a Software Update Channel is created.

Automatic Update Notification

Software update channels can be used to notify subscribed users about new versions of software that the user has already installed.

Related Topics

The following lists contain links to topics related to OSD.




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