Microsoft Corporation
Updated April 15, 1999
Installs the Microsoft® FrontPage® Server Extensions on the specified port of a virtual server, using the specified administrator name and password. If WebName is specified, the server extensions are installed on the named subweb. If no web name is specified, the server extensions are installed on the root web of the specified virtual server. For any server type except website and msiis, you must specify a server configuration file.
fpsrvadm.exe -o install -p nnnn -m HostName -u UserName -pw password -t ServerType [-s ServerConfigFile] [ -xu UNIXUserName] [ -xg UNIXGroupName] [ -n yes]
To install the server extensions on Microsoft Windows NT® with a Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) Web server, use the following arguments.
fpsrvadm.exe -o install -t msiis -p 80 -m -u AdminAccount
The password argument is not necessary because on IIS, the passwords for accounts are specified in the Windows NT account list administration tools, not in the Web server or administration tools in FrontPage.
If the -xu argument is specified, the web’s content and the ownership of the FrontPage Server Extensions stub programs are changed (chowned) to UNIXUserName.
If the -xg argument is specified, the web’s content and the FrontPage Server Extensions stub programs are chowned to have group ownership by the specified UNIXGroupName. Note that you can use the -xu argument without the -xg argument.
If either -xu or -xg is specified, then the server extensions stub programs are set to read/execute access with the set user ID bit set to the given user name and group name. Note that only the server extensions stub programs are chmoded (their access restrictions are changed), not the web content files.
If either -xu or -xg is specified, you can use the [ -n yes] argument to indicate that only the directories and the server extensions stub programs created by FrontPage, not the content files, should be chowned.
To install the server extensions on an Apache Web server that is running the FrontPage Apache patch, use the following command line:
fpsrvadm.exe -o install -t apache-fp -s /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf -p 80 -m -u AdminAccount -pw AdminPassword -xu www -xg www
Fpsrvadm Command-Line Arguments
Upgrades the FrontPage Server Extensions on port nnnn of virtual server HostName. The server extensions are upgraded on the root web of the specified virtual server, and any subwebs of the root web are also upgraded.
fpsrvadm.exe -o upgrade -p nnnn -m HostName [ -xu UNIXUserName] [ -xg UNIXGroupName] [ -n yes]
If -xu and -xg are specified, the directories and server extensions files created by FrontPage, along with the web's content, are chowned and chmoded to UNIXUserName and UNIXGroupName. The -n argument specifies that only the directories and Server Extensions files created by FrontPage are to be chowned and chmoded.
Fpsrvadm Command-Line Arguments
Uninstalls the FrontPage Server Extensions on port nnnn of virtual server HostName. This also uninstalls the server extensions from any subwebs below the root web.
fpsrvadm.exe -o uninstall -p nnnn -m HostName
Note that uninstalling the FrontPage Server Extensions does not remove content: It only removes the server extensions programs and accessory server extensions files.
This operation leaves enough FrontPage meta-information in each web’s content area to return each web to its previous state if the server extensions are reinstalled. For example, subwebs that were present when the server extensions were uninstalled will be restored when the server extensions are reinstalled.
Fpsrvadm Command-Line Arguments
Uninstalls the FrontPage Server Extensions on port nnnn of virtual server HostName. This also uninstalls the server extensions from any subwebs below the root web.
fpsrvadm.exe -o fulluninstall -p nnnn -m HostName
Uninstalls the server extensions on the specified port and virtual server. If the root web has subwebs, the FrontPage Server Extensions are uninstalled on the subwebs too. In contrast to the Uninstall command, this command leaves no FrontPage-specific information in the web’s content area. After using Fulluninstall on a virtual server, subwebs cannot be automatically recreated when the FrontPage Server Extensions are installed again.
Fpsrvadm Command-Line Arguments
Creates a FrontPage-extended subweb at the specified directory in an existing FrontPage-extended web.
fpsrvadm.exe -o create -p nnnn -m HostName -w WebName [-u UserName] [-pw password] [ -xu UNIXUserName] [ -xg UNIXGroupName] [ -n yes]
For WebName, specify the path from the root directory of the content area to the subweb that you are creating. The -pw password argument is not needed on IIS servers.
If UserName and password are blank, security settings for new subwebs are inherited from the root web. If these arguments are not blank, the new subweb will have unique permissions with an initial administrator account based on UserName and password.
Fpsrvadm Command-Line Arguments
Uninstalls the server extensions on the specified subweb and all subwebs below it. This converts the subweb into a folder of its parent FrontPage-extended web.
fpsrvadm.exe -o merge -w WebName -p nnnn -m HostName
For WebName, specify the path from the root directory of the content area to the subweb that you are merging.
Fpsrvadm Command-Line Arguments
Checks and fixes the FrontPage Server Extensions installation on port nnnn of virtual server HostName. If WebName is specified, the server extensions are checked on the named subweb. Otherwise, the server extensions are checked on the root web of the specified virtual server. If the web you are checking has subwebs, those are checked also.
Checking the FrontPage Server Extensions includes:
fpsrvadm.exe -o check -p nnnn -m HostName [ -w WebName ]
Checking the server extensions includes replacing missing directories and files created by FrontPage, and making sure all FrontPage-created executables are present and set with the correct permissions.
Fpsrvadm Command-Line Arguments
Sets up FrontPage-extended web permissions on the FrontPage-extended web WebName on the specified virtual server and port, for the specified user name and password. If WebName is the root web, use a forward slash (/) to specify it.
fpsrvadm.exe -o security -p nnnn -m HostName -w WebName -a AccessType -u UserName -pw password [-i IPAddress]
To add an administrator, specify the access type administrators. To add an author, specify the access type authors, and to add a site visitor, specify the access type users. To remove a site visitor's, administrator's, or author's FrontPage-extended web permissions, specify the access type remove. To downgrade the permissions granted to a particular account, the account must first be removed and then added again with the new level of permissions.
Use the optional -i argument to restrict authoring, administering, or site-visitor access to client computers based on the computers' IP addresses. You can use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard character in any of the four IP address sections. For example, the IP address mask 157.*.*.* specifies any IP address beginning with 157. Note that IP address restrictions are not supported by some of the server types that are supported by the FrontPage Server Extensions.
On Microsoft IIS servers, the user name must be a Windows NT account. The password is ignored if it is provided.
Fpsrvadm Command-Line Arguments
On UNIX only, changes ownership of the directories and the server extensions stub programs created by FrontPage, along with the web's content. The chown command also sets the set user ID bit on the FrontPage Server Extensions executables in the FrontPage-extended web. Use this command to tighten security.
fpsrvadm.exe -o chown -p nnnn -m HostName [ -w WebName ] [ -xu UNIXUserName] [ -xg UNIXGroupName] [ -n yes]
If WebName is specified, the server extensions are chowned on the named subweb. Otherwise, they are chowned on the root web.
If -xu is specified, the FrontPage-extended web’s content and the FrontPage Server Extensions stub programs are chowned to UNIXUserName.
If -xg is specified, the FrontPage-extended web’s content and the FrontPage Server Extensions stub programs are chowned to the group UNIXGroupName.
If either -xu or -xg is specified, then the server extensions stub programs are set to read/execute access with the set user ID bit set to the given user name and group name. Note that only the stub programs are chmoded, and not the web content files.
The -n argument indicates that only the directories and the server extensions stub programs created by FrontPage, not the content files, should be chowned.
Fpsrvadm Command-Line Arguments
Enables authoring and administering FrontPage-extended webs via the FrontPage client on port nnnn of virtual server HostName.
fpsrvadm.exe -o enable -p nnnn -m HostName
Fpsrvadm Command-Line Arguments
Disables authoring and administering FrontPage-extended webs via the FrontPage client on port nnnn of virtual server HostName.
fpsrvadm.exe -o disable -p nnnn -m HostName
Fpsrvadm Command-Line Arguments
Synchronizes FrontPage-based content databases with the current state of the web. Recalculates and repairs all internal hyperlinks in the specified FrontPage-extended web on the specified virtual server and port. This command also re-includes pages in Include Page components, recalculates other components (such as search forms and navigation bars), reapplies borders to any pages that use borders, resets permissions on FrontPage-based form handler result pages, re-indexes categories, and recalculates text indexes.
fpsrvadm.exe -o recalc -p nnnn -m HostName -w WebName
If WebName is the root web, use a forward slash (/) to specify it.
Fpsrvadm Command-Line Arguments
Imports the file filename as the file destination to the FrontPage-extended web WebName on the specified virtual server and port.
fpsrvadm.exe -o putfile -p nnnn -m HostName -w WebName -f filename -d destination
The destination argument should be the URL of the destination file, relative to the top-level folder of the web. If WebName is the root web, use a forward slash (/) to specify it.
Fpsrvadm Command-Line Arguments
Recalculates and repairs all internal hyperlinks at the specified URL destination in the FrontPage-extended web WebName on the specified virtual server and port. This command also re-includes pages in Include Page components and recalculates text indexes.
fpsrvadm.exe -o recalcfile -p nnnn -m HostName -w WebName -d destination
The destination argument should be the URL of the destination file, relative to the top-level folder of the web. If WebName is the root web, use a forward slash (/) to specify it.
Fpsrvadm Command-Line Arguments
Deletes the subweb WebName on the specified virtual server and port. You cannot delete the root web using this command; to delete the root web, use the Uninstall command.
This command deletes all content, including all subwebs of the specified subweb.
fpsrvadm.exe -o delete -p nnnn -w WebName [-m HostName]
This is the only way to delete subwebs on NCSA, Stronghold, and Apache Web servers. You cannot use the FrontPage client to delete subwebs on these servers.
Fpsrvadm Command-Line Arguments
Renames the subweb WebName on the specified virtual server and port to the new web name, destination.
fpsrvadm.exe -o rename -p nnnn -w WebName -d destination [-m HostName]
This is the only way to rename subwebs on NCSA, Stronghold, and Apache Web servers. You cannot use the FrontPage client to rename subwebs on these servers.
The destination argument should be the new URL of the subweb, relative to the root web.
Fpsrvadm Command-Line Arguments
Specifies that the directory destination can contain executable programs in the FrontPage-extended web WebName on the specified virtual server and port.
fpsrvadm.exe -o setdirexec -p nnnn -w WebName -d destination [-m HostName]
This is the only way to make a directory executable on NCSA, Stronghold, and Apache Web servers. You cannot use the FrontPage client to make a directory executable on these servers.
The destination argument should be the URL of the destination folder, relative to the top-level folder of the web. If WebName is the root web, use a forward slash (/) to specify it.
Fpsrvadm Command-Line Arguments
Specifies that the directory destination cannot contain executable programs in the FrontPage-extended web WebName on the specified virtual server and port.
fpsrvadm.exe -o setdirnoexec -p nnnn -w WebName -d destination [-m HostName]
This is the only way to make a directory non-executable on NCSA, Stronghold, and Apache Web servers. You cannot use the FrontPage client to make a directory non-executable on these servers.
The destination argument should be the URL of the destination folder, relative to the top-level folder of the web. If WebName is the root web, use a forward slash (/) to specify it.