Active Input Method Manag...     IActiveIME::Configure Met...     Active Input Method Manag...    
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IActiveIME Interface

This is the primary interface for an Active Input Method Editor (IME).

IActiveIME Methods

Configure Provides a dialog box to be used to request optional information for an Active IME.
ConversionList Obtains a converted result list from another character or string.
Destroy Terminates the Active Input Method Editor (IME).
EnumRegisterWord Enumerates the registered strings with the specified reading string, style, and registered string data.
Escape Allows an application to access capabilities of a particular Active Input Method Editor (IME) not directly available through other methods.
GetCodePageA Retrieves the code page associated with this Active IME.
GetLangId Retrieves the language identifier associated with this Active IME.
GetRegisterWordStyle Retrieves the available styles in this Active IME.
Inquire Handles the initialization of the Active IME.
Notify Notifies the Active IME about changes to the status of the input context.
ProcessKey Preprocesses all the keystrokes given through the Active Input Method Manager.
RegisterWord Registers a string into the dictionary of this Active IME.
Select Initializes and frees the Active IME private context.
SetActiveContext Notifies the current Active IME of the active input context.
SetCompositionString Sets the characters, attributes, and clauses of the composition and reading strings.
ToAsciiEx Generates a conversion result through the Active IME conversion engine according to the hIMC parameter.
UnregisterWord Removes a registered string from the dictionary of this Active IME.

Interface Information

Implementation Custom (Active IME)
Inherits from IUnknown
Header and IDL files Dimm.h, Dimm.idl
Minimum availability Internet Explorer 5
Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0

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