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Active Input Method Manager Interfaces

This section covers the interfaces included in the Active Input Method Manager API.

IActiveIME This is the primary interface for an Active Input Method Editor (IME).
IActiveIME2 This optional interface allows the Active Input Method Manager (IMM) to avoid a full shutdown of this Active Input Method Editor (IME) during a focus shift.
IActiveIMMApp This is the primary interface for an Active Input Method Manager client application.
IActiveIMMIME This interface handles the interaction between the Active Input Method Manager (IMM) and an Active Input Method Editor (IME).
IActiveIMMMessagePumpOwner This interface provides the capability to handle window messages.
IActiveIMMRegistrar This interface handles the registration of an Active Input Method Editor (IME).
IEnumInputContext Interface that provides access to the object that enumerates input context handles.
IEnumRegisterWordA This interface provides access to the object that enumerates the register strings. ANSI implementation.
IEnumRegisterWordW This interface provides access to the object that enumerates the register strings. Unicode implementation.

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