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IActiveIMMIME Interface

This interface handles the interaction between the Active Input Method Manager (IMM) and an Active Input Method Editor (IME).

IActiveIMMIME Methods

AssociateContext Associates the specified input context with the specified window.
AssociateContextEx Changes the association between the input method context and the specified window or its children.
ConfigureIMEA Displays the configuration dialog box for the IME. ANSI implementation.
ConfigureIMEW Displays the configuration dialog box for the IME. Unicode implementation.
CreateContext Creates a new input context, allocating memory for the context and initializing it.
CreateIMCC Creates a new input context component.
CreateSoftKeyboard Creates one type of soft keyboard window.
DestroyContext Releases the input context and frees any memory associated with it.
DestroyIMCC Destroys an input context component.
DestroySoftKeyboard Destroys the soft keyboard window.
DisableIME Disables the Input Method Editor (IME) for a thread or all threads in a process.
EnumInputContext Enumerates the input contexts on a thread.
EnumRegisterWordA Creates an enumeration object that will enumerate the register strings having the specified reading string, style, and register string. ANSI implementation.
EnumRegisterWordW Creates an enumeration object that will enumerate the register strings having the specified reading string, style, and register string. Unicode implementation.
EscapeA Executes IME-specific subfunctions and is used mainly for country-specific functions. ANSI implementation.
EscapeW Executes IME-specific subfunctions and is used mainly for country-specific functions. Unicode implementation.
GenerateMessage Sends a message on the specified input context.
GetCandidateListA Retrieves a specified candidate list, copying the list to the specified buffer. ANSI implementation.
GetCandidateListCountA Retrieves the size, in bytes, of the candidate list. ANSI implementation.
GetCandidateListCountW Retrieves the size, in bytes, of the candidate list. Unicode implementation.
GetCandidateListW Retrieves a specified candidate list, copying the list to the specified buffer. Unicode implementation.
GetCandidateWindow Retrieves information about the candidate list window.
GetCodePageA Retrieves the code page associated with the given keyboard layout.
GetCompositionFontA Retrieves information about the logical font currently used to display characters in the composition window. ANSI implementation.
GetCompositionFontW Retrieves information about the logical font currently used to display characters in the composition window. Unicode implementation.
GetCompositionStringA Retrieves information about the composition string. ANSI implementation.
GetCompositionStringW Retrieves information about the composition string. Unicode implementation.
GetCompositionWindow Retrieves information about the composition window.
GetContext Retrieves the input context associated with the specified window.
GetConversionListA Retrieves the list of characters or words from one character or word. ANSI implementation.
GetConversionListW Retrieves the list of characters or words from one character or word. Unicode implementation.
GetConversionStatus Retrieves the current conversion status.
GetDefaultIMEWnd Retrieves the default window handle to the IME class.
GetDescriptionA Copies the description of the IME to the specified buffer. ANSI implementation.
GetDescriptionW Copies the description of the IME to the specified buffer. Unicode implementation.
GetGuideLineA Retrieves information about errors. Applications can use this information to notify users. ANSI implementation.
GetGuideLineW Retrieves information about errors. Applications can use this information to notify users. Unicode implementation.
GetHotKey Retrieves the value of the Active IME hot key.
GetIMCCLockCount Retrieves the lock count for the input context component.
GetIMCCSize Retrieves the size of the input context component.
GetIMCLockCount Retrieves the lock count of the input context.
GetIMEFileNameA Retrieves the file name of the IME associated with the specified keyboard layout. ANSI implementation.
GetIMEFileNameW Retrieves the file name of the IME associated with the specified keyboard layout. Unicode implementation.
GetImeMenuItemsA Retrieves the menu items that are registered in the IME menu. ANSI implementation.
GetImeMenuItemsW Retrieves the menu items that are registered in the IME menu. Unicode implementation.
GetLangId Retrieves the language identifier associated with the keyboard layout.
GetOpenStatus Checks whether the IME is open or closed.
GetProperty Retrieves the property and capabilities of the IME associated with the specified keyboard layout.
GetRegisterWordStyleA Retrieves a list of the styles supported by the IME associated with the specified keyboard layout. ANSI implementation.
GetRegisterWordStyleW Retrieves a list of the styles supported by the IME associated with the specified keyboard layout. Unicode implementation.
GetStatusWindowPos Retrieves the position of the status window.
GetVirtualKey Recovers the original virtual-key value associated with a key input message that has already been processed by the IME.
InstallIMEA Installs an IME into the system. ANSI implementation.
InstallIMEW Installs an IME into the system. Unicode implementation.
IsIME Checks whether the specified handle identifies an IME.
IsUIMessageA Checks for messages intended for the IME window and sends those messages to the specified window. ANSI implementation.
IsUIMessageW Checks for messages intended for the IME window and sends those messages to the specified window. Unicode implementation.
KeybdEvent Synthesizes a keyboard event for the Active Input Method Manager service.
LockIMC Retrieves the INPUTCONTEXT structure and increases the lock count for the input context.
LockIMCC Retrieves the address of the input context component and increases its lock count.
LockModal Locks all modal windows.
NotifyIME Notifies the IME about changes to the status of the input context.
RegisterWordA Registers a string into the dictionary of the IME associated with the specified keyboard layout. ANSI implementation.
RegisterWordW Registers a string into the dictionary of the IME associated with the specified keyboard layout. Unicode implementation.
ReleaseContext Releases the input context and unlocks the memory associated in the context. An application must call this method for each call to the IActiveIMMIME::GetContext method.
RequestMessageA Sends a request to an application for an Active Input Method Editor (IME). ANSI implementation.
RequestMessageW Sends a request to an application for an Active Input Method Editor (IME). Unicode implementation.
ReSizeIMCC Changes the size of the input context component.
SendIMCA Sends a message to a soft keyboard. ANSI implementation.
SendIMCW Sends a message to a soft keyboard. Unicode implementation.
SetCandidateWindow Sets information about the candidate list window.
SetCompositionFontA Sets the logical font used to display characters in the composition window. ANSI implementation.
SetCompositionFontW Sets the logical font used to display characters in the composition window. Unicode implementation.
SetCompositionStringA Sets the characters, attributes, and clauses of the composition and reading strings. ANSI implementation.
SetCompositionStringW Sets the characters, attributes, and clauses of the composition and reading strings. Unicode implementation.
SetCompositionWindow Sets the position of the composition window.
SetConversionStatus Sets the current conversion status.
SetHotKey Sets the value of the Active IME hot key.
SetOpenStatus Opens or closes the IME.
SetStatusWindowPos Sets the position of the status window.
ShowSoftKeyboard Sets the specified soft keyboard's show state.
SimulateHotKey Simulates the specified IME hot key, causing the same response as if the user had pressed the hot key in the specified window.
UnlockIMC Decreases the lock count for the input context.
UnlockIMCC Decreases the lock count for the input context component.
UnlockModal Unlocks all modal windows.
UnregisterWordA Removes a register string from the dictionary of the IME associated with the specified keyboard layout. ANSI implementation.
UnregisterWordW Removes a register string from the dictionary of the IME associated with the specified keyboard layout. Unicode implementation.

Interface Information

Implementation Active Input Method Manager Object
Inherits from IUnknown
Header and IDL files Dimm.h, Dimm.idl
Minimum availability Internet Explorer 5
Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0

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