HLNF Enumerated Type     HLSHORTCUTF Enumerated Ty...     Hyperlinks Enumerations    
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HLQF Enumerated Type

Specifies query flags used by IHlinkBrowseContext::QueryHlink to determine the state of a particular hyperlink.


typedef enum tagHLQF 
    HLQF_ISVALID    =  1, 
    HLQF_ISCURRENT  =  2  


Used to test the validity of a particular hyperlink. The uHLID parameter can specify either a specific hyperlink within the navigation stack or a relative hyperlink, such as HLID_NEXT or HLID_PREVIOUS.
Used to test if the specific hyperlink (identified by the uHLID parameter) is the user's current position within the navigation stack.

Enumerated Type Information

Windows NT Use version 4.0
Windows Use Windows 95 and later
Header Hlink.h
Minimum availability Internet Explorer 3.0

Windows CE

Windows CE Use version 2.12 and later
Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0

See Also


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