HLITEM Structure     HLBWIF Enumerated Type     Hyperlinks Reference    
Web Workshop (Miscellaneous)

Hyperlinks Enumerations

This section describes the following enumerations.

HLBWIF Contains values relating to the locations and sizes of frame-level and document-level windows within a browse context.
HLFNAMEF Specifies which friendly name a client is requesting. The flags are used by the IHlink::GetFriendlyName interface.
HLID Identifies the logical positions of a hyperlink identifier in the hyperlink navigation stack. The constants are used in the IHlinkBrowseContext interface.
HLINKGETREF Specifies whether the client is requesting the absolute, relative, or default reference for the hyperlink target. The constants are used in the IHlink::GetMonikerReference and IHlink::GetStringReference methods.
HLINKMISC Specifies whether the hyperlink object is a relative hyperlink to its target. The constants are used in the IHlink::GetMiscStatus method.
HLINKSETF Specifies the operation of IHlink::SetMonikerReference. It allows a caller of this function to specify which Hlink parameter to set.
HLINKWHICHMK Specifies whether a moniker being requested is the moniker for the container document or a base moniker specific to a hyperlink site. The constants are used in the IHlinkSite::GetMoniker method.
HLNF Indicates how hyperlink navigation is to proceed. The enumeration is also used by the objects participating in the navigation protocol to convey to each other contextual information about the navigation.
HLQF Specifies query flags used by IHlinkBrowseContext::QueryHlink to determine the state of a particular hyperlink.
HLSHORTCUTF Not currently supported.
HLSR Specifies which of the special hyperlink references to choose. The constants are used by the HlinkGetSpecialReference and HlinkSetSpecialReference functions.
HLTB Not currently supported.
HLTRANSLATEF Not currently supported.

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