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HlinkCreateFromData Function

Creates a standard hyperlink object from a COM object that supports the IDataObject interface.


HRESULT HlinkCreateFromData(
    IDataObject *piDataObj,    
    IHlinkSite *pihlsite,      
    DWORD dwSiteData,          
    IUnknown *piunkOuter,      
    REFIID riid,       
    Void **ppvObj     


[in] Address of the IDataObject interface on the data object of interest. This is used to access the methods to retrieve the data from the object.
[in] Address of the IHlinkSite interface for the new hyperlink within its container.
[in] Additional site data associated with the hyperlink site.
[in] Address of the controlling IUnknown interface for the new hyperlink object. If NULL, the new hyperlink object is not aggregated.
[in] Used to identify the interface to return on the new hyperlink. This is typically IID_IHlink, or IID_IUnknown when piunkOuter is not NULL.
[out] Indirect pointer to the requested interface.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if the new hyperlink object was created successfully, or E_NOINTERFACE if the object did not support the riid interface.


Typically, this object originates from a data transfer operation, such as copying to and pasting from the clipboard, or through a drag-and-drop operation.

HlinkCreateFromData is one of three helper functions that you can use to create a hyperlink. HlinkCreateFromData creates a hyperlink from a COM object that supports both the IDataObject interface and a hyperlink format CF_HYPERLINK on that IDataObject interface. HlinkQueryCreateFromData is typically called before the call to HlinkCreateFromData to determine if both these conditions are met. To create a hyperlink from a COM object for which you know the moniker, use HlinkCreateFromMoniker. To create a hyperlink from a COM object for which you have the name but not the moniker, use HlinkCreateFromString.

HlinkCreateFromData is typically used by a hyperlink container as part of a user interface that creates new hyperlinks through the clipboard or a drag-and-drop operation.

Function Information

Windows NT Use version 4.0.
Windows Use Windows 95 and later.
Header Hlink.h
Import Library Hlink.lib
Minimum availability Internet Explorer 3.0

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