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Hyperlinks Functions

This section describes the hyperlink functions that are exported by the Hlink.dll and Urlmon.dll dynamic-link libraries.

HlinkClone Not currently supported.
HlinkCreateBrowseContext Creates an empty, default instance of the system browse context object.
HlinkCreateExtensionServices Not currently supported.
HlinkCreateFromData Creates a standard hyperlink object from a COM object that supports the IDataObject interface.
HlinkCreateFromMoniker Creates a new system hyperlink object from a moniker, a location string, and a friendly name string (used for displaying the hyperlink).
HlinkCreateFromString Creates a new hyperlink object from strings representing the hyperlink target, the location within the target, and a friendly name.
HlinkCreateShortcut Not currently supported.
HlinkCreateShortcutFromMoniker Not currently supported.
HlinkCreateShortcutFromString Not currently supported.
HlinkGetSpecialReference Retrieves a string for a given value from the HLSR enumeration.
HlinkGetValueFromParams Not currently supported.
HlinkGoBack Executes a hyperlink jump backward within the navigation stack.
HlinkGoForward Executes a hyperlink jump forward within the navigation stack.
HlinkIsShortcut Not currently supported.
HlinkNavigate Navigates to a hyperlink, given a hyperlink object and an optional hyperlink frame object.
HlinkNavigateMoniker Executes a hyperlink jump to a new document or object.
HlinkNavigateString Executes a hyperlink jump to a new document or object.
HlinkNavigateToStringReference Creates a hyperlink site from strings representing the hyperlink target, the location within the target, and a friendly name, and then navigates to that site.
HlinkOnNavigate Notifies a hyperlink browse context and hyperlink frame, if it exists, that a hyperlink target has been navigated to.
HlinkOnRenameDocument Not currently supported.
HlinkParseDisplayName Not currently supported.
HlinkPreprocessMoniker Not currently supported.
HlinkQueryCreateFromData Determines if a new hyperlink can be created from an IDataObject interface.
HlinkResolveMonikerForData Not currently supported.
HlinkResolveShortcut Not currently supported.
HlinkResolveShortcutToMoniker Not currently supported.
HlinkResolveShortcutToString Not currently supported.
HlinkResolveStringForData Not currently supported.

Puts a string in a given value from the HLSR enumeration.

HlinkSimpleNavigateToMoniker Executes a hyperlink jump to a new document or object.
HlinkSimpleNavigateToString Executes a hyperlink jump to a new document or object.
HlinkTranslateURL Not currently supported.
HlinkUpdateStackItem Not currently supported.
OleSaveToStreamEx Not currently supported.

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